Since its inception, OCA has sponsored various inititiatives to promote education and public health. OCA sponsors scholarship program for students in Junior Secondary School (7th Grade) through Senior Secondary School (12th Grade). In the past 10 years, over 120 students have benefitted from this program. OCA is currently exploring expand the scholarship program to University Students. To be able to expand the scholarship program to University Students, OCA is currently engaging in fundraiser targetting $100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Dollars) by July 30, 2015. The funds will be used for its scholarship program. Please click on the link to view some the testimonials from OCA scholarship recipients.

OCA constructed a classroom building at the Community Secondary School Obosi. The building housed 5 classrooms used by the students. OCA donated classroom desks/chairs for approximately 1200 students of various primary schools in Obosi.

OCA donated $5,000 cash to support the construction of a public library in Obosi. OCA donated approximately 30 computers which were distributed to the 2 public secondary schools in Obosi and to the public library.

After Hurricane Katrina OCA donated money to the Salvation Army to provide relief to those affected by the hurricane.

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